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Version: 1.8.x

Widget Content Personalization

You can customize user content according to the criteria you specify in the JOIN studio. On the mobile side, to take into account audience-specific content, you can add a key/value object when sending the request.

Standalone mode

JoinStories.startPlayer(config: config, customParameters: [
]) { _ in


Widget mode

class WidgetViewController: UIViewController, JoinStoriesPlayerDelegate {

let thumbView = BasicThumbViewController()
let cardView = ListStoryCardViewController()

override func viewDidLoad() {
thumbView.startThumbView(config: config, customParameters: ["key":"value2"])
cardView.startCardView(config: config, customParameters: ["key":"value1"])

By default, the phone's language is taken into account in the request. However, you can override this value:

thumbView.startThumbView(config: config, customParameters: ["language":"English"])