Listener & Delegate
It's possible to get a delegate event for widgets stories.
You can add analytics delegate implementing JoinStoriesAnalyticsDelegate like :
class ThumbViewController: UIViewController, JoinStoriesAnalyticsDelegate {
override func viewDidLoad() {
thumbView.analyticsDelegate = self
func onAnalyticsCallback(event: JoinStoriesEventType, data: AnalyticsWidgetValue) {
switch event {
case .storiesFetched: //TODO
case .widgetMounted: //TODO
case .componentVisible50: //TODO
case .componentVisible75: //TODO
case .firstClickOnWidget: //TODO
case .additionalClickOnWidget: //TODO
- eventOwner: Join identifier of the customer
- eventType: See below the “JoinStoriesEventType” section
- cpWidgetAlias: Alias of the widget
- cpUserAgent: iOS version used. Format ios-{version}
- cpGoToUrl: Url of the story
- cpScreenResolution: Screen resolution of the visitor
- cpScreenColor: Number of colors used on the screen of the visitor
- cpWidgetType: Type of the widget
- eventUrl: Always "app"
- cpBaseUrl: Always "app"
- cpBrowserLanguage: Language used on the phone (not in the app if different)
- cpWidgetVersion: The version of the widget used (SDK version)
- eventWidgetWorkspaces: Join identifier of the workspace used
- eventCategory: Always "widget"
- cpTitle: Always "app"
- WidgetMounted : Triggers when the widget is mounted
- StoriesFetched : Triggers when the stories are fetched
- ComponentVisible50 : Triggers when the widget is 50% visible
- ComponentVisible75 : Triggers when the widget is 75% visible
- FirstClickOnWidget : Triggers the first time a story is opened (with a click on a widget) during a visit on a screen
- AdditionalClickOnWidget : Triggers every other times a story is opened during a visit on a screen