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Version: 1.5.x

Card View

This option allows you to display our custom widget that display stories in an card format horizontally or on grid.


You first need to add our card view within your ViewController:

class YourThumbViewController: UIViewController {
let cardView = ListStoryCardViewController()
let config = JoinStoriesStandaloneConfig(alias: "<YOUR_ALIAS>", ...)

override func viewDidLoad() {
cardView.startCardView(config: config)


You can fine tune SDK behavior and UI, by specifying optional values of the card view parameter.

Show Label

Show/hide text below each card. The label is visible by default

cardView.withLabel = true | false

Label Typeface

Card views label custom font (withLabel should be true)

cardView.fontName = "HelveticaNeue-Bold"

Label Color

Card views label custom text color (withLabel should be true)

cardView.labelColor = .white

Card elevation

Card views custom elevation. 8 is default value

cardView.cardElevation = 10

Card raduis

Card views custom radius. 8 is default value

cardView.cardRadius = 10

Show play button

Show/hide play button below each card. The play button is visible by default

cardView.hasPlayButton = true | false

Show overlay

Show/hide overlay below each card. The overlay is visible by default

cardView.hasOverlay = true | false


You can custom spacing between each card. The spacing default value is 8.

cardView.spacing = 10

Number of column

You can custom the number of column (grid format only). The number of column default value is 2.

cardGrid.numberOfColumns = 2

Card Size

By default, the size of the card is calculated by a ratio based on the width or height of the container.

You can custom size calling these parameters :

cardList.cardWidth = 150

The height is equal to the height of the container.

Grid edge

We need to known the edge of card grid container to calculate correctly the card size. By default, the value of edge is 0.

cardGrid.edge = 40