This option allows you to display our custom widget that display stories in an horizontal scrollable view with a Instagram-like UI.
You first need to add our scaffold view and player view within your Activity/Fragment layout:
app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" />
app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" />
To start the display of our thumbView widget, you need to call the startThumbView method:
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
joinStoriesThumbConfig | JoinStoriesThumbConfig | YES | The configuration object, that requires at least the JOIN Stories alias you were given |
lifecycleScope | LifecycleCoroutineScope | YES | A lifecycle scope bounded to Android component containing the StoryPlayer and the StoryScaffoldView implemented previously |
containerView | View | YES | The root view containing the StoryPlayer and the StoryScaffoldView implemented previously. It will only use its bounds to animate the player appearance/disappearance |
storyPlayer | StoryPlayer | YES | The StoryPlayer implemented previously |
storyScaffoldView | StoryScaffoldView | YES | The StoryScaffoldView implemented previously |
listener | JoinStoriesListener | NO | A listener allowing you to be notified when an error occured while fetching stories |
You can fine tune SDK behavior and UI, by specifying optional values of the JoinStoriesThumbConfig parameter.
Available configuration parameters:
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
joinAlias | String | The JOIN Stories alias you were given to configure your integration | |
timeout | Long | 10 | Timeout used for the stories fetching network requests (call and read) |
typeface | Typeface | null | Thumb views label custom font (withLabel should be true) |
labelColor | Int | Color. BLACK | Thumb views label custom text color (withLabel should be true) |
thumbViewSpacing | Int | 32 | Spacing between thumb views |
withLabel | Boolean | true | Show/hide text below each thumb view |
loaderInnerViewWidth | Int | 8 | Spacing between the image and the loader in a thumb view |
loaderInnerViewColor | IntArray | intArrayOf (Color. TRANSPARENT) | Color between the image and the loader in a thumb view |
loaderColors | IntArray | intArrayOf (Color. RED , Color. BLUE) | Colors of the thumb view loader. A sweep gradient will be applied on it |
loaderWidth | Int | 8 | Width of the thumb view loader |
storyViewedIndicatorColor | Int | Color. GRAY | Color of the thumb view indicator displayed when a story has been viewed by the user |
storyViewedIndicatorAlpha | Int | 80 | Alpha of the thumb view indicator displayed when a story has been viewed by the user. Range [0..255] |
thumbViewOverlayColor | Int | Color.parseColor( "#BB4C4C4C") | Color of the overlay displayed on the thumb view image when a story was selected by the user and is loading |
playerBackgroundColor | Int | Color.BLACK | Color of the player's background, if the player height is smaller than screen dimensions |
playerVerticalAnchor | PlayerVerticalAnchor | .BOTTOM | If the player's height is smaller than screen height, anchor it to the top, bottom or center of the scren |
playerShowShareButton | Boolean | true | Change the visibility of the share button displayed on the Player view |
playerClosingButton | Boolean | true | Change the visibility of the close button displayed on the Player view |
playerHorizontalMargins | Int | 0 | Apply the margin to the left and right of the player view. To maintain ratio, it also changes the height of the player view. |
playerCornerRadius | Float | 0f | Apply radius to the 4 corners of the player view |
playerProgressBarDefaultColor | String? | null | Change the background color of the progress bar in the player view. If no value or null is filled, the default color will be used. Format is ##RRGGBB or #RRGGBBAA |
playerProgressBarFillColor | String? | null | Change the fill color of the progress bar in the player view. If no value or null is filled, the default color will be used. Format is ##RRGGBB or #RRGGBBAA |
playerProgressBarThickness | Int? | null | Change the thickness of the progress bar in the player view. If no value or null is filled, the default thickness will be used. |
playerProgressBarRadius | Int? | null | Change the radius of the progress bar in the player view. If no value or null is filled, the default thickness will be used. Radius will be applied to the 4 corners. |
Multiple widgets
You can implement our thumbView widget multiple times on the same screen, with the same or different join alias.
To do so, you need to implement n StoryScaffoldView within your UI, and call the startThumbView method n times, one for each instance of StoryScaffoldView.